The Origins of Social Validity

The term and constructs related to social validity, as an important aspect of research on human behavior,
were developed by Montrose M. Wolf. Mont Wolf was a co-developer of Applied Behavior Analysis
(Baer, Wolf, & Risley, 1968; Risley, 2001) and a key architect of the Teaching-Family Model (Phillips,
Phillips, Fixsen, & Wolf, 1971; Wolf, 1968) that exemplified the use of Applied Behavior Analysis in
practice. The Teaching-Family Model is an enduring testament to the genius of Mont Wolf (Fixsen &
Blase, 2018) and his influence in government (Voit, 1995) and on thinking about social change (Wolf,
Kirigin, Fixsen, Blase, & Braukmann, 1995).

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