The Origins of Social Validity

The term and constructs related to social validity, as an important aspect of research on human behavior, were developed by Montrose M. Wolf. Mont Wolf was a co-developer of Applied Behavior Analysis (Baer, Wolf, & Risley, 1968; Risley, 2001) and a key architect of the Teaching-Family Model (Phillips, Phillips, Fixsen, & Wolf, 1971; Wolf, 1968)...

Improvement Cycles Example

An example of an approach to establishing usable interventions and implementation supports is provided.  The plan, do, study, act cycle (PDSAC) logic is used on purpose to develop simultaneously the innovation and the implementation supports for the innovation. Download: Improvement Cycles Example

Heptagon Tool

During Exploration Stage discussions information gathering is focused on the community, relevant governance, workforce, structures and programs, infrastructure and technology as well as resources. Key stakeholders generally are individuals who could have a positive or negative effect on the use of the innovation. Many of these key stakeholders may be affected by the innovation through...

Science and Implementation

“Scientific inquiry” demands more than speculation – a clearly stated theory that generates predictions (if … then) and testable hypotheses. There are multiple implementation frameworks that could serve as a source of predictions (if-then) and hypotheses (explanations of if-then relationships).

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